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  • February 15, 2018 1 min read

    We have a couple of new personalised print designs, both inspired a little by my own childhood I must admit.

    The first is our 'Sand between your toes' print, which is seaside inspired, and harks back to my own childhood memories of collecting seashells with my mother on summer holidays, a obsession I seem to have passed on to my own children who were both over the moon to each find a great scallop shell on our welsh seaside holiday last year.

    The next is our 'Born a unicorn' print, again I grew up in a world of fairytales, magic and unicorns, having watched 'The Last Unicorn' roughly about a million times, much to the consternation of my elder brother. I am a mother of boys, so alas, dinosaurs feature strongly in my house, with a distinct lack of unicorns, although we did go through a mermaid phase when the twins were about five (now furiously denied of course). But, if you are a mummy to a little girl, then this would make a beautiful piece of art for their bedroom. and a lovely keepsake for you.

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