• July 14, 2017 1 min read

    We have been busy experimenting for a while in a new direction, one which involves less precious metal, but just as many precious memories! Introducing our new personalised foil art prints.

    These prints are made using your unique prints or images, and are hand foiled with a touch of luscious gold, rose gold or silver to create a truly beautiful picture to decorate your home. Available both framed and unframed, priced from only £18, these make a great personalised gift for parents and grandparents alike. So if you are taking prints for a special piece of jewellery, why not use them for a special piece of artwork as well. We will also be introducing prints featuring your artwork and images, we particularly like our new personalised seaside silhouette print - this one will be going on our wall!

    We have a few more personalised art prints to come, as well as some more new personalised gift ideas in the planning and testing stage at the moment, so watch this space for new additions!

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